The meaning of life is an enigmatic thought that can be
examined and questioned until the end of time. Life can be broken down into
textbook understandings and yet still leave thinkers in a reverie daze. When
looking at life through a looking glass in a metaphoric way we can much more
clearly see how everything in life, every decision we make has meaning in our lives.
Life is a puzzle with millions of pieces that intricately
fit together to form a picture that hasn’t even been created. Every moment of
our lives, every challenge we overcome, and every diagnoses we may receive is
one piece closer to completing our life’s puzzle.
When we are born we are simply a pile of puzzle pieces. As we grow and experience life pieces start to link together and a small glimpse of the overall picture may be seen. Even when we are putting our puzzles together there are those difficult places that take longer to find the missing pieces. Those moments are the struggles we will face in life. We will have hard times, perhaps we are diagnosed with an illness, but even a diagnosis is a missing piece found. Once we have that one piece in place the picture will become a little clearer and other pieces will more easily connect. All the puzzle pieces that we will have to acquire may not be the prettiest or easiest to find but everyone is essential! We can’t skip steps or try to make shortcuts when solving a puzzle; it simple won’t turn out right. That is exactly how our lives are! Some puzzle pieces may look perfect and we are so overjoyed when we finally find them and despite trying to squish them into place, they just won’t work. As the picture becomes more complete the pieces will start to fall into place more quickly. We just have to keep trying, piece after piece until we figure it out.
And when your puzzle is nearly complete or if you are just starting out, if you feel like you still have missing pieces that’s ok. I have accepted that I will always have a missing piece to my puzzle, a certain unknown factor in my life and that is just fine with me.
No matter how many pieces are missing to the puzzle the picture will always be beautiful!