Friday, March 22, 2013

Diamonds into Coal

Deep down under the earth’s surface there lies millions of pieces of coal. Throughout time the heat from the earth’s core and the pressure that continuously pushes on the coal slowly turns it from an ugly black rock into a brilliant diamond. 

Those of you that are living difficult lives and going through hard times, you are exactly this... a piece of coal! The world and all of its hardships are putting pressure on you. You may feel the heat of people’s judgments and expectations, perhaps you feel as if you are stuck in a situation with no way out, or maybe you feel like you are just going to crumble under the pressure. You might just feel like an ugly forgotten piece of dirty, useless coal.

But you’re wrong! You are all a diamond! You are all beautiful and brilliant in your own ways. You say you can’t be a diamond because you are flawed? You are wrong. Even the most beautiful things in life have flaws, even diamonds! It’s our flaws that give us each our own unique qualities even though we are all diamonds. 

Right now you are just a diamond in the rough. You may still be buried under the earth, you may still be going through hard times but don’t be discouraged. The earth is making you perfect and one day soon you will shine like the diamond you are! While you are a piece of coal enduring the journey of having the world weighing down on you and holding up through the pressure it has brought, know that it is making you stronger. So when you are finally a diamond, shiny and bright, you have been made stronger and are more beautiful for what you have gone through.

Even diamonds start as coal, Just wait for your time to shine!